Evolution Dog Wash


In the age of “Cyber Monday” and virtual coupons, online shopping has slowly begun to edge out the drudgery of shopping in-store. We tend to see online shopping as easier, faster, and a welcome respite from the crowds during the season. Rarely do we think to peek behind the scenes…but there they are anyway, perhaps Santa’s most tireless helpers, the professional truck drivers who haul gifts from warehouses in droves for holiday shoppers.

It can’t be easy driving a truck around at all hours, for extended periods of time. One source of comfort and companionship for professional drivers is a pet, usually a dog…but with a dog, drivers have to contend with caring for him or her, even when they’re traveling. Luckily, there are systems like the Evolution Self Serve Dog Wash to ease some of the stress of caring for a pet on the go.

Lisa Markham, the Director of Marketing at White’s Travel Center, a popular stop for drivers, spoke with us about the key amenities White’s provides for road-weary travelers—including the Evolution Dog Wash.

Is there an increase in long-distance drivers at White’s during the holiday season?

No, or at least, not much. Truck drivers are on the road, typically—it’s their job. We’re not a vacation or holiday destination. We don’t see an increase.

What kinds of amenities does White’s provide for travelers?

Well, quite a bit! Some of the many amenities we offer:

  • Free parking (with a shuttle between the distant parking lots and the Travel Center)
  • Paid parking
  • Showers
  • Restaurants, including Iron Skillet; White’s Deli; Popeye’s; Caribou Coffee; Subway; and Burger King.
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • A pharmacy called The Medicine Shoppe®
  • A doctor on premises—Raphine Medical Associates serves professional drivers, as well as the public at large.

We also have some very exciting announcements for the 2016: We’re adding 300 more parking spots, a campground—not necessarily a driver’s amenity, but an amenity nonetheless—and a walking path, “StayFit”—which will be close to our pet exercise area. We’re very in-tune with drivers and their pets. “StayFit” will be nice for drivers who want to stretch and walk around, especially with their pets! Read more about White’s Travel Center News here. 

Wow! And do many long-distance drivers travel with dogs or other companion animals?

According to Road King—keep in mind that the article is from 2013; it’s two years old—over 45% of American households have dogs. More than 60% of truck drivers report having pets; more than 40% report traveling with them in their trucks.

How has the EVOLUTION Dog Wash benefited truck drivers and other long-distance travelers?

We have! It just opened on September 16th of 2015. We think it will really pick up and continue to grow—it already is growing. Many locals are also coming to wash their dogs. It’s beneficial to the community—not just the driver.

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