Evolution Dog Wash


Grooming is an essential part of being a responsible pet owner. Unfortunately, however, taking your canine companion to a professional groomer can be pricey. To keep your furry companion clean and healthy without breaking the bank, consider these helpful grooming tips:

Bathing Frequency

Unlike humans, your dog does not need to be bathed on a daily basis. In fact, it is best to only bathe your dog once every two to four months to prevent the natural oils in their skin from being depleted. If your dog requires more frequent cleansings due to odor or playing in mud, use a gentle soap-free cleanser or skip the shampoo and soap altogether.

Exercise Before Grooming

While some breeds of dogs take to water like a fish, others may react more like a cat. To keep stress to a minimum for both you and your canine, try bathing and grooming after they’ve had plenty of exercise. After a long day of running and exploring, dogs are likely to be in their calmest state.

Use Baby Powder for Tangles

Long-haired breeds and those with thick coats are susceptible to tangles and matting. Dematting and detangling your furry pal may prove to be one of the most difficult aspects of grooming, depending on your dog’s personality. To break up stubborn tangles and matting, simply apply baby powder to your dog’s coat as you brush.

Utilize the Right Brushes

There are four main types of dog brushes, including pin, rake, bristle and slicker brushes. Bristle brushes are typically best for short-haired breeds while pin or rake styles are more suitable for long, silky coats. Medium lengths, however, may fare better with a slicker brush. If you are unsure of which type of brush best suits your dog, a veterinarian or an experienced pet store operator should be able to offer some advice.

Trim their Paws

Many breeds naturally grow an excessive amount of hair in-between and around the pads of their paws. Some pet owners choose to trim this hair because it gives a well-groomed appearance. Trimming this hair, however, is important to keep dirt and rocks from accumulating around the paws.

Find a Good Shampoo or Conditioner

dog grooming

While your dog probably feels like another member of your family, when it comes to choosing a shampoo and conditioner, it’s important to remember that a dog’s coat is much different than human hair. Because of this, it is crucial to avoid using products designed for humans on your dog. Instead, find products that are catered to your dog’s needs. For instance, a dog with sensitive skin may require an oatmeal-based shampoo and conditioner. Others may have allergies or skin conditions that require medicated shampoos and conditioners.

Cut Nails Consistently

A dog’s nails grow quickly and should be trimmed on a regular basis. Generally, once every month or every other month is the standard recommendation. Neglecting to trim your dog’s nails can be tough on your floors but, more importantly, it can cause walking to become painful for your dog. This is due to the fact that long nails can become pushed into the nail bed as the dog walks. The pressure is uncomfortable and, if it’s not addressed, can cause damage to the toe joints and may even cause the nails to curl and grow into the dog’s paw pads.

Brush Their Teeth

Brushing your dog’s teeth is a fantastic way to banish that notorious puppy breath. Like humans, however, dogs are at risk of tooth decay, tooth loss and infection if plaque is left to build up on the teeth. Veterinarians recommend brushing daily with a special canine tooth brush. Apply the recommended amount of a canine toothpaste and brush your canine’s teeth for approximately 20 to 30 seconds on the upper and outer sides of the teeth.

Looking for a great self-serve dog washing machine to wash your dog? Evolution Dog Wash has you covered. Find a location near you today!

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